Precinct development in greenfields, brownfields and greyfields must consider the impact of extreme heat now and into the future as it can have significant influence on the liveability of a precinct and the health of its inhabitants. The Urban Heat Mitigation Performance Index aims to provide local governments with a broad range of urban heat island mitigation options tailored to certain microclimates and urban contexts. It is part of Microclimate and Urban Heat Island Decision-Support Tool project, developed by UNSW Sydney and Swinburne University, funded by CRC for Low Carbon Living. The Index can run in standalone mode or be accessed through the Urban Heat Island Mitigation Decision-Support Tool platform with 3D precincts and buildings (here).
There are four urban heat island mitigation objectives in the Urban Heat Mitigation Performance Index including outdoor thermal comfort, health risks, energy demand and water demand. Climate regions represent key climatic characteristics of major cities in Australia as defined by NatHERS. Local government areas and suburbs are represented by selected NatHERS climate zones [here]. Urban contexts are based on the most commonly recognised land-zoning and urban typologies found across Australia.